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Data & Cookies

Data & Cookies

What is a cookie?  

Cookies are small text files that are placed on a user’s hard drive (or your phone) by the website that you are visiting.
This file records preferences and other data about your visit to that particular site, allowing a site to "remember" you on your next visit, for example.
Cookies are often used for long-term data collection, such as storing your name, address, and preferences, so you won't have to re-enter this information each time you visit a site.
Cookies are an integral part of the internet as the list shows below everyone uses them, even the police.
In May 2011 a new European law was passed regarding the use of cookies, the UK government decided it would implement the law on May 26th 2012.
Roy's Harlow does not use cookies, links from will incur third party cookies from other sites,especially shopping etc, as you can see from my very short list below, cookies are part of the internet.
In the middle of June 2012 I looked at what cookies were being put on my computer by using the browsers "Fire Fox"& "Explorer" in the security settings it tells you how many cookies are being deposited on the first landing page.
The list shows initial cookies, as you change pages within a site the cookie count tends to go up considerably.
As you have found this site using a search engine these are the amount of cookies I found in mid June 2012 from just clicking onto their page, of course June 2012 was after it was illegal to deposit cookies on computers without warning.
Search Engine List:
Google UK 2 cookies. Ask UK 18 cookies. Aol UK 6 cookies. Bing 9 cookies. Yahoo Uk 10 cookies.
Other Sites:
Face Book, deposited 5 cookies. Twitter, deposited 9 cookies. YouTube, deposited 3 cookies.
The local radio station (1017), deposited 9 cookies.
The National Lottery, used 4 cookies.
The government of the UK, deposited 7 cookies on Direct gov
The Police, used 7 cookies
Essex Police,used 5 cookies
The Prime Minister's website "Number 10" used 4 cookies.
Even the Ministry of Justice deposited 4 cookies on my computer.
The list could go on and on, all breaking the UK law in June 2012.
Some retailers tell you if you want to purchase anything you have to accept cookies otherwise your just looking, or to put it another way, browsing using your browser.

Please take a look at the links below especially Me & My shadow

Me & My shadow

European Data law

UK Data Protection Act

Information Commissioner Office

BBC - How can we stop being cyber idiots? 

This might help protect your data, delete all cookies when your browser closes plus get a .........V.P.N.
"You are not alone,Your browser and Internet Service Provider plus UK government are gathering Your Data."
With data collection in mind I've included two search engines DuckDuckGo & Start Page, they say they will not collect data like other search engines, unfortunately they do not give a comprehensive search results.

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